Areas of Study

Placement into MAT 130, Precalculus, requires the following:

  • A grade of C or above in MAT 055 Intermediate Algebra, or the equivalent; or
  • ACT Math score of 23 or higher; or
  • SAT Math score of 560 or higher; or
  • MCR Math score of 30 or higher.

Placement into MAT 055, Intermediate Algebra requires:

  • A passing grade in MAT 045 Elementary Algebra, or the equivalent; or
  • ACT Math score of 16 or higher; or
  • SAT Math score of 430 or higher; or
  • MCR Math score of 18 or higher

Placement into MAT 101 Introductory Mathematical Applications or

MAT 102 Introductory Statistics requires:

  • A passing grade in MAT 040 Pre-College Mathematics or a passing grade in MAT 045 Elementary Algebra, or the equivalent; or
  • ACT Math score of 16 or higher; or
  • SAT Math score of 430 or higher; or
  • MCR Math score of 18 or higher.

The Mathematics and Data Science Program may administer placement exams in addition to those listed above and place students according to their performance on these exams.

Students with college credit for math course, AP exam scores in a math subject, or those who have completed a dual enrollment math course will be placed after consulting with the Math Program Director.

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