Areas of Study

Homecoming 2023 is just two weeks away! There are many events in addition to the traditional football game; visit the Homecoming webpage for more details: 

Gallaudet also will launch its Necessity of Now campaign during Homecoming. The Necessity of Now is part of the university’s ongoing efforts to improve equity and belonging for everyone in the community. The Necessity of Now will raise funds to create a new public equitable outdoor learning space, which will be Gallaudet’s first community-facing space on the Sixth Street corridor, and will also fund scholarships, research, and programming at our Center for Black Deaf Studies. 

Necessity of Now events during Homecoming include: 

Date: Friday, October 20 
Time: 2 to 3 p.m.  
Location: Kellogg Conference Hotel, Swindells Auditorium 
Louise B. Miller presentation by Evon Black, ’87 & G-’96 
Learn about Louise B. Miller’s historic fight for educational justice for Black Deaf children and how she and fellow parents set an important precedent for the landmark Supreme Court decision that ended school segregation in the United States. 

Date: Friday, October 20 
Time: 8 p.m. to midnight  
Location: Kellogg Conference Hotel Ballroom 
Kickoff NOW Party 
Celebrate The Necessity of Now at the campaign kickoff party. There will be music, food, a cash bar, and entertainment by Queen Foreverrr and Deafinitely Dope.  

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