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GU takes a stand against Anti-Asian...
Gallaudet’s President and Interim Chief Diversity Officer pen a letter of support to members of the Asian community denouncing acts of hate and violence.
Dear campus community:
On Tuesday, March 16, a lone gunman went on a shooting spree in and around Atlanta, Georgia, He killed eight people, six of whom were Asian women. While law enforcement continues to investigate this crime, it is not a stretch to see it in the light of a hate crime — a product of intolerance and irrationality, the polar opposite of tolerance and reason. Incidents like this have increased in recent years in part, because of hate speech through various avenues, including political and social media platforms.
In the aftermath of this tragedy, Dr. Michelle Au, an anesthesiologist and Georgia state senator, said: “Asian Americans are part of our country’s plurality. Recognize that we need help, we need protection, and we need people in power to stand up for us against hate.”
This is a time for all of us to come together as members of one human race to reject the poison of racist hate and embrace a doctrine of love. The factors which unite us are more profound than the hatreds that cause division across the artificial lines of physical appearance and contingent characteristics like nationality and ethnicity. Solidarity is the only way we can collectively build a future where dignity and equity come to all, where hatred and its consequences have no place, and in which a culture of acceptance, tolerance, and reason are our universal values.
As we seek to drive social change and address our anti-racism initiatives, we must continue to hold ourselves accountable for creating an inclusive environment at Gallaudet. We encourage the community to be deliberate advocates and ensure that everyone is treated fairly, has equal access to opportunities and resources, and can fully contribute to our success. If you experience or witness language or behaviors that run counter to these objectives, please inform your supervisor or Human Resources. Additionally, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) are available to provide individual or group support. In accordance with Policy 2.28, Anti-Discrimination Complaint Policy and Procedures, racial bias and hate complaints can be directed to Equal Opportunity Programs at Contact here.
The Division of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (DEDI) hosted a dialogue with Asian Pacific Islander students, staff, and faculty on March 19. This was a closed event to provide space for Asian people to talk amongst themselves about anti-Asian bias and other concerns.
In addition, DEDI is co-hosting a panel discussion with the Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Faculty and Staff Coalition on March 22, titled “Overcoming Hidden Barriers to Success.” On March 24, the Asian Signers and National Islander Deaf Coalition and the Asian Pacific Islander Native Hawaii Faculty and Staff Coalition is hosting a presentation by Jerrin George called “Model Minority Myth.”
On March 25, DEDI is sponsoring another event by Asian Signers and National Asian Pacific Islander Deaf Coalition, titled “Are Asians Too Invisible? Let’s Talk About Hate Speech.” Finally, on March 29, Frank Wu, Esq., President of Queens College of the City University of New York and Gallaudet University Trustee Emeritus, will discuss COVID-19 and anti-Asian racism.
These events will help educate us, empower us and create space in which we can continue the work of dismantling racism. We stand in solidarity with our Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander communities against racism and hate in all their repugnant forms.
We see you. Gallaudet is committed to being a place of sanctuary or refuge for you to go to when you need support.
Elizabeth A. Moore, Ph.D. Interim Chief Diversity OfficerRoberta J. Cordano President
February 6, 2025
February 3, 2025
January 31, 2025