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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead

Expressing your love for Gallaudet through a gift, whether large or small, encourages our students in their studies by creating a learning environment that puts them on a path to a life-changing degree. When you choose The Gallaudet Fund, you ensure the best academics, student success services, and extracurricular activities are available to all students. Gifts to The Gallaudet Fund are used to strengthen academic programs, enhance technology, attract high-caliber faculty, maintain a quality learning environment, and provide financial aid to students.

When you specify scholarships with your gift, you make an immediate difference in the lives of individual students.

Please make a gift now! Thank you for investing in the success of Gallaudet students. They appreciate all that alumni and friends of Gallaudet do to make the University the perfect place for them to receive an education that leads to a wonderful life and career.

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The Gallaudet Fund

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9 - 5

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