Areas of Study

The CSTR faculty members submit individual and joint proposals to external Federal and State grant agencies such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), among others.

Raja Kushalnagar

  1. Raja Kushalnagar, Christian Volger. NSF proposal; awarded. Research Experience for Undergraduates – AICT.
  2. Raja Kushalnagar. NSF Proposal; awarded. Wearable Sound Sensing.
  3. Raja Kushalnagar. NSF Proposal; awarded. Explore Computer Science Research.

Gaurav Arora

  1. Gaurav Arora, Anne Rosenwald. NSF; awarded (08/16/2015-05/31/2018. Next-Gen Genome Solver.
  2. Gaurav Arora, Caroline Solomon, Mohammed Obiedat, Alicia Wooten. NSF, submitted (04/07/2021). Overcoming Barriers and Opening Doors to STEM Success for Deaf Undergraduates.

Derek Braun

  1. Caroline Solomon, Gaurav Arora, Derek Braun. Examining genetic microbial diversity to monitor pathogens and toxins and in the Anacostia River, DC.
  2. Derek Braun, Raja Kushalnagar. NSF; declined. REU Site: Summer Undergraduate Research for Students who are Deaf or hard of hearing in Science, Technology and Mathematics.

Emily Meehan

  1. Emily Meehan. NSF, declined. In class reading activities to improve student comprehension of mathematics textbooks: Activity development and testing.

Mohammad Obiedat

  1. Raja Kushalnagar, Mohammad Obiedat. Submitted April 2021. Gallaudet GenCyber Camp for Deaf and Hard of Hearing High School Students (GGC-DHHS).

Cara Gormally

  1. Cara Gormally, Scott Freeman, Rebecca Orr, Peggy Brickman. NSF; submitted 2020-2023. Creating Validated Learning Objectives to Improve Course Design and Student Outcomes in Introductory Biology.
  2. Cara Gormally. NSF. Overcoming Barriers to STEM Success for Deaf Undergraduates, 2018-2020.
  3. Cara Gormally. Playa Residency Fellowship, Summer Lake, Oregon. 2016.
  4. Cara Gormally. American Association of University Women, American Fellowship. 2015-2016.

Daniel Lundberg

  1. Daniel Lundberg, Paul Sabila, Raja Kushalnagar, Emily Meehan. NASA DC Space Grant, 2021-2022. Awarded.

Contact Us

Center for Science and Technology Research (CSTR)

Hall Memorial Building N318

(202) 559-5622


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