Areas of Study

Campus Microgrid

Gallaudet University has partnered with Scale Microgrid Solutions and Urban Ingenuity to build a microgrid that is customized to Gallaudet’s needs. A microgrid is a system that combines multiple sources of electricity and can operate independently or collaboratively with the grid. The project sets a new standard for clean, resilient energy in the heart of the Nation’s Capital. The microgrid will deliver reliable energy for the campus and significantly reduce the university’s utility costs. What is unique about Gallaudet’s microgrid is that the excess energy will then be sold to the neighboring community. Expected to go online by Fall 2023, the project will meet much of the university’s energy demand, provide clean power to the surrounding community, and relieve congestion on the city’s electricity grid.

Gallaudet Garden

Gallaudet partnered with a nonprofit organization called Cultivate The City in 2016. Gallaudet and CTC have worked together in establishing a garden on its campus and to create a model that is engaging for the students and the community through community supported agriculture model.



Achieve LEED Silver or equivalent in all new construction and major renovations.


  • MSSD Dorm LEED Silver standards.
  • Retrofit buildings with more efficient building systems and controls.



  • Reduce energy use in buildings by 3 percent per square foot, compared to Fiscal Year 2009.
  • Purchase or generate at least 13 percent of total energy consumed from renewable sources.


  • $13.6 million Energy Conservation Project resulted in 22 percent decrease in energy use between fy 2009 and fy 2015.



Reduce potable water use by 3 percent per square foot compared to Fiscal Year 2009


  • Installed efficient water fixtures across campus.
  • Decreased total water usage by 9 percent since 2011.



Increase the percentage of zero emitting vehicles on campus and encourage healthier commuting options.


  • Two Capital Bikeshare Stations
  • Zipcar Station
  • Gallaudet Shuttle

Waste and Recycling


  • Development of Waste and Recycling Management Plan
  • Recycling education initiative
  • Single stream recycling

Contact Us

Energy, Utilities, and Sustainability

CUB 305


(202) 651-5000

8:30 am-4:30 pm
8:30 am-4:30 pm
8:30 am-4:30 pm
8:30 am-4:30 pm
8:30 am-4:30 pm

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