
Dear Anjel,

Thank you for sending this letter and sharing the stories and pain experienced by the Latinx community at Gallaudet. Gallaudet University should be a welcoming place for all, but we know that is not the reality for many and this must change.

Extensive anti-racism action will be implemented across Gallaudet. LSU was sent an invitation on Friday, along with several other student organizations, to meet with me and other University leaders, including representatives from the Board of Trustees, on Wednesday, August 12th, to review the University’s draft anti-racism plan and provide feedback.

We look forward to engaging with LSU and learning what recommendations you have.

We will more thoroughly respond to the details of your letter in a later communication, but we wanted to acknowledge today that we received it and share our agreement of the critical importance of addressing the experience of Latinx students at Gallaudet University.

Thank you for your leadership.

Roberta “Bobbi” Cordano
President, Gallaudet University

Dr. Glenn B. Anderson
Chair, Board of Trustees

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