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American Sign Language
ASL Translation of the VCI from...
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Psychological testing is often problematic for deaf people. Many psychologists avoid exploring language-based reasoning in this population given numerous validity concerns and a general lack of understanding of how one might administer these tests in a way that is sensitive to one’s language history.
This approach, however, leaves a large area of cognition unexplored. Those who do assess language-based reasoning are at risk of drawing inaccurate conclusions given the complex nature of language-based reasoning in individuals with a unique language background.
As a follow-up to Bridgett (2018), this study was originally developed to investigate the validity of the VCI with a sample of deaf children to better understand what the construct was actually measuring with them.
However, due to COVID-19 and the resulting limitations of in-person data collection, this study’s focus has shifted towards developing a standardized version of American Sign Language (ASL) administration for the VCI. This will include gathering feedback from the signing community and a formal recording of a standardized ASL administration for the VCI.
This will allow other psychologists to show or replicate this standard administration during their own administration with deaf children who speak ASL fluently.
Limitations of the study and future steps will also be discussed.
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ASL Translation of the VCI from WISC-V