Areas of Study

If you have not previously taken the ASLPI, please ask questions before the interview begins. NO FOOD OR DRINKS PERMITTED as you take the ASLPI evaluation.

The evaluation is video recorded. When you enter the testing room, your interviewer (or proctor) will provide you with instructions about where to sit. Adjustments will be made for proper lighting and camera (or VP) positioning if needed. For examinees who come for a face-to-face evaluation, the TV will be turned off before the evaluation begins so you are not distracted by it.

The ASLPI takes 20-25 minutes. Your interviewer will ask questions designed to maximize your use of ASL, and to give you every opportunity to show what you can do with the language. Ask for repetition or request clarification as needed. An array of topics are discussed during each interview, none of which are asked to test your knowledge. Remember that the purpose of the interview is to capture your highest ASL proficiency. You are not being evaluated on how much you know about a given topic. The topics discussed are simply a means for capturing your language proficiency.

Contact Us

American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI)

Fowler Hall 410

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