Areas of Study

Students have the right to choose not to use accommodations, and not to disclose their disabilities to OSWD or to Gallaudet’s faculty or staff. However, it is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations through OSWD in a timely manner, if the student discovers during the semester that disability support is needed.

You are not required to disclose a disability at any time and the University is prohibited by federal law from asking about a disability. However, if you want to receive disability related accommodations at Gallaudet, you must disclose your disability to OSWD, since OSWD is the only office at Gallaudet that reviews disability documentation and determines reasonable accommodations

Other Pages on This Topic

How is “Disability” Defined?
Process to Register and Establish eligibility
You’ve Been Accepted—What Happens Next?
When Should You Register With OSWD?

Contact Us

Should You Disclose Your Disability to OSWD?

JSAC 1225



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