Areas of Study

If a Student Conduct Board or the Coordinator (or Director) of Student Accountability decides that a student organization should be disciplined, the disciplinary action should be consistent with the severity of the offense. Following are sanctions recognized by Gallaudet University; the Board or the Coordinator (or Director) of Student Accountability may implement other sanctions instead of or in addition to those specified below:

  • Denial of the right to represent the University.
  • Denial of the right to maintain an office or other assigned space on University property.
  • Denial of the privileges of:
  1. Permanent Revocation of Organizational Registration – The organization will not be represented on any student or University organization, board, or committee. Office or housing space assigned by the University will be vacated within ten (10) business days from the date the notice of revocation is mailed. Space vacated due to this permanent revocation may be reassigned by the University.
  2. Suspension – Denial of rights and privileges of a registered organization. Any organization whose registration is suspended must cease all organizational activities upon receiving this sanction. Any member of a suspended organization may not hold an appointed or elected office as a representative of the suspended organization in any other organization or committee for the duration of the organization’s period of suspension. The organization may be asked to vacate office or housing space assigned by the University. Office or housing space assigned prior to suspension will not automatically be reassigned. The organization may reapply for space assignment, subject to availability. Suspended organizations will automatically be placed on disciplinary probation for a minimum of one academic year following their renewed registration and may be subject to conditions and/or restrictions during the probationary status.
  3. Disciplinary Probation – A period of review and observation during which the student organization whose conduct has been found wrongful will be granted the opportunity to prove that it can uphold University rules and policies. Subsequent violations of University rules, regulations, or policies could result in more severe sanctions. The terms imply that violation of any provision in the Student Code of Conduct would be viewed not only as a violation of the regulation itself, but also as a violation of the probation and would most likely result in the suspension of the organization. During the probation period, the organization may be subject to one or any combination of the following conditions and/or restrictions:
  1. Receiving or retaining funding;
  2. Participating in intramurals;
  3. Sponsoring a social event;
  4. Sponsoring any speaker or guest on campus;
  5. Participating in a social event;
  6. Co-sponsoring any social event or other activity;
  7. Rush or membership recruitment;
  8. Eligibility for University awards or recognition;
  9. Representation on University and student committees, organizations, or boards.
  10. Conditions – Limitations on a student organization’s privileges for a period of time or an active obligation to complete a specified activity or activities. This sanction may include the conditions or restrictions listed under the disciplinary probation sanction.
  • Disciplinary Reprimand – Verbal (signed) warning or written notification to an organization that it has violated a University rule, regulation, or policy and that subsequent wrongful conduct by the organization will not be tolerated and may result in severe disciplinary sanctions.
  • Restitution/Fines – Reimbursement for damage to, or misappropriation of property and/or compensation for injury to an individual, group, or the University. This may take the form of appropriate service or other compensation.
  • Loss of Student Privileges – Limitations on a student’s privileges for a period of time. Principals (officers, etc.) may be prohibited from holding office in any other organization, depending on the severity of the negative leadership displayed. Students from a suspended or revoked organization may also be prohibited from reforming a similar organization under another name.
  • Community Service – Work assignments may be a part of a disciplinary probation or may be imposed as an independent sanction. If the student organization does not complete the community service assignment by the assigned completion date, a charge of non-compliance of a University decision will result. Such assignments will be in addition to the community service requirements as set forth by the student organization guideline.
  • Restorative Practices – Requiring a student to engage in actions to restore the impact of a violation and repair the harms resulting from misconduct on other members of the campus community. These actions may include letters of apology, conversations about conflict, engaging in restorative dialogue, or participating in restorative circles.

Contact Us

Student Accountability & Restorative Practices (SARP)

9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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