
Tamara Suiter

Major Gifts Officer

Institutional Advancement

202/235-2334 (videophone)

202/235-2334 (voice)


A “Kendall Green kid,” having attended Kendall Demonstration Elementary School, the Model Secondary School for the Deaf, and Gallaudet University. She started her career as an admissions recruiter for Gallaudet University and then worked at Texas School for the Deaf and the Gallaudet University Regional Center-South in Austin, Texas. She worked for 5 years at Convo Communications, the largest Deaf-owned business, where she contributed to the technology, product development, sales, and marketing departments. She aspires to connect and cultivate quality conversations. Tamara is beyond ecstatic to be back "home" to Gallaudet in this role to elevate Gallaudet and the global Deaf community.

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Tamara Suiter



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