Areas of Study


I obtained degrees in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Utah State University (B.A. with minors in ASL and Psychology) in 2016, The University of Arizona (M.S.) in 2018, and The University of Memphis (Ph.D. & Graduate Certificate in Cognitive Sciences) in 2022. After post-doctoral work at the University of Nottingham, Hearing Sciences  Scottish Section in Glasgow, Scotland, UK, I began working at Gallaudet University in August of 2023.
My research focuses on the interaction between language brain areas and sensory encoding areas. How do we take continuous sensory information (e.g., formant changes in spoken languages or palm orientation in signed languages)  and discretize them into meaningful units (i.e., phonemes)? 
My lab uses categorical perception as a model to observe the underlying process behind this while simultaneously recording electroencephalograms (EEG) to obtain both behavioral and neurologic responses underlying these processes.
View my lab website here.

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Jared Andrew Carter

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