Areas of Study

Reports and Surveys

The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) conducts annual surveys and provides comprehensive reports to report university enrollment, employment, and financial information to external audiences.


The OIR is a trusted provider of accurate, timely, and unbiased data regarding Gallaudet University. We provide the following reports to both external and internal audiences:


The OIR also conducts an annual survey among the University’s faculty and staff to gauge the campus climate as well as an annual survey of recent alumni. The Office of Planning, Assessment and Accreditation with OIR’ assistance coordinates the dissemination of the National Survey of Student Engagement and the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement. Additionally, a survey map was developed to clarify the various surveys that are conducted on campus.

For more information on our various reports and surveys, please contact us.

Integrated Post Secondary Education Data System

The Office of Institutional Research coordinates the reporting of institutional data to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS collects data three times a year. In the fall, information is collected about institutional characteristics, completions, and...

Institutional Research

Resource Type: Annual Report

Gallaudet University Campus Climate Survey

A Gallaudet Campus Climate survey was developed in 2007 and had been distributed to faculty and staff every spring until 2013. The majority of the questions were centered around six themes: Respect and trust Institutional communication and information sharing Management style Academic culture Freedom of...

Institutional Research

Resource Type: Survey

Gallaudet University Alumni Survey

The Office of Institutional Research administers the Alumni Survey every winter/spring to alumni one year after they have graduated. Data is then collected during a period of six months and a summary of the results is posted during the summer or early fall of the...

Institutional Research

Resource Type: Survey

Common Data Set (CDS) Reports

The Common Data Set (CDS) system has been in place since 1995. The CDS represents a cooperative effort by guidebook publishers, institutional researchers, and other interested stakeholders to develop a set of key questions in a single-information request survey that publishers use to meet their...

Institutional Research

Resource Type: Annual Report

Contact Us

Institutional Research

College Hall 412

(202) 250-2632

9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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