

Conclusions: Deaf users of eHealth information are diverse in terms of language usage, which affects their perception of accessing and using health information across technology-mediated platforms. While using YouTube for health appears to be accessible to deaf people, further improvements are needed to make health information sharing through social media inclusive of people who prefer ASL only. The addition of multimodal delivery features (text, audio, and video) in social networking sites has the strong potential to improve health information access and inclusion for all groups, including deaf ASL users. To make online health information inclusive of all groups, materials need to be accessible and easy to understand by all groups.
  • Author(s):
    Kushalnagar, P. & Kushalnagar, R.
  • Published:
  • Journal:
    In Emerald Studies in Media and Communication_e-Health: Current Evidence, Promises, Perils, and Future Directions. Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Volume:
  • DOI:
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Kushalnagar, P., & Kushalnagar, R. (2018). Chapter 3: Health-related information seeking among deaf adults: Findings from the 2017 Health Information National Trends Survey in american sign language (HINTS-ASL). eHealth: Current Evidence, Promises, Perils and Future Directions, 69–91.