Areas of Study

Course Overview

The dynamics of oral cultures and their traditions will be introduced in this course by studying the development of oral literature and literary artists in other cultures. Then using this as background, attempts will be made to study ASL literary tradition by looking at life histories, narratives, and poetry performances.

DST 101

Program: Deaf Studies

Credit: 3

Other Courses


Special Topics

Grading system: letter grades only.

Deaf Studies

Credits 3


Deaf Studies Senior…

This course is an extension of DST 497…

Deaf Studies

Credits 3


Independent Study

Intensive supervised study and research on topics of…

Deaf Studies

Credits 1-3


Deaf Studies Senior…

This course will introduce students to several research…

Deaf Studies

Credits 3


Special Topics

Special topics in the discipline, designed primarily for…

Deaf Studies

Credits 1-5


Senior Seminar

This seminar gives students the opportunity to develop…

Deaf Studies

Credits 3