
VL2 is proud to announce that Sarah Kimbley, a fourth-year doctoral candidate in our Ph.D in Educational Neuroscience (PEN) program, is among eight students who have been selected out of a competitive application process to participate in the 2022 Inclusive Assessment of Multi-Modal Mutlilinguais (IAM3) Institute. IAM3 is a prestigious, intensive two-week summer institute hosted by Stockholm University that is sponsored by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

The 2022 IAM3 Institute faculty will come from universities across America, England, and Sweden, with Dr. Joseph Hill and Dr. Matt Dye, both of Rochester Institute of Technology, heading up the conference. Students will learn how to assess language proficiency and processing across modalities using behavioral, EEG and eye tracking methods and receive advanced statistical training in longitudinal data analysis. Institute faculty will act as research mentors in helping students develop a doctor’s Dissertation Improvement grant proposal.

n May 2021, Ms. Kimbley was the recipient of PEN’s Research-Based Translation Award for her development of an original resource that aims to explain a child’s development on language, working memory, and arithmetics, helping to transform the way we think about numeracy and bilingualism and how to best educate deaf children. 

VL2 congratulates Ms. Kimbley on her selection to IAM3, one of many achievements on her path toward a bright career in educational neuroscience!

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